Day 12 Careersmas

DAY 12 Careers Tip Code: Mulled WineTo win a selection box - be the first person to DM the code to @ulcareersservice on Instagram.

Welcome to our final post on the 12th Day of Careersmas!
It got a great reaction so thank you for joining us each day. We wish you a Happy Christmas and will see you in 2019. Here is a summary of the topics we shared each day of Careersmas all in one spot.  

Day 1 
Start with you - You need to start the career journey by understand self -  What Type Are You

Day 2 
More you - Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, focus on your Know Your Strengths

Day 3 
Understanding what the market needs – How to Research Your Target Market

Day 4 
Your professional identity is a lot more than you think... Understand Your Personal Brand

Day 5  
Average time spent by the recruiter on your CV before deciding yes, no or maybe?...Less than 10 seconds – you must get your CV as good as you possibly can. Our tips for Updating Your CV

Day 6 
There is no avoiding application forms be it for a job or course.. we cover both in Start Applying

Day 7
LinkedIn is more than an online CV , a powerful tool for career options and more. We give 13 reasons to be on LinkedIn

Day 8
Not all available jobs are advertised. Some estimate that upwards of 85% of open positions are filled through networking - Networking must be part of your job search.

Day 9 
When it is time to get suited and booted for a job interview. Our tips for dressing for success Suiting Up

Day 10
Interviews can be nerve-racking, the only way to reduce nerves is to practice. Read a little bit more on Interviews

Day 11
Waiting to hear back after an interview? Here is our guide to the Following up

Day 12 
Relax – Keep calm and make a plan.


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