Day 8 Careersmas

DAY 8 Careers Tip Code: Santa

To win a selection box - be the eight person to DM the code to @ulcareersservice on Instagram.

Not all available jobs are advertised. Some estimate that upwards of 85% of open positions are filled through networking. It is important to realise that Grad programmes are not the only show in town. These programmes get heavily marketed , everybody sees them and as a result there is higher competition. We are not saying to ignore these but you should look at a blend of applications.
Many jobs are filled through personal contacts rather than advertisements. This is often referred to as the ‘hidden job market’. In order to find out about these opportunities you must do what is called a ‘proactive’ job search as opposed to a ‘reactive’ one.
What is a ‘reactive’ job search? This is where your only job search activity is basically online applications. Typically, you ‘click & pray’ firstly you wait for jobs to appear online and react, once you click you must wait for the organisation to react. This is the space most students occupy and where you can expect the most competition.
The ‘hidden’ job market is a less busy pond but requires networking on your part. The good news is the chances of success are higher. Networking should not be daunting, it not only something for extroverts it is for everyone. You should start with warm leads by using the people that you DO know, or can get to know, for help and advice. By starting with your own contacts and then asking them about their contacts, and so on, you are likely to find someone who can give you advice and direct you further.
We guide you through how to network effectively in a little more detail here.

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