A little bit more on CVs

1  Length
Your CV should be a two-page document: this is the market norm.

2  Font
Stick to one simple sans serif font (e.g. Arial, Calibri) in point size 10–12.
Simple fonts make your CV look clean, neat and readable.

3  Paragraphs/bullet points
There are no strict rules here but it is good to break a CV into smaller sections.
If a CV has too many paragraphs of text, it can be hard to read. Good CVs use a combination of paragraphs and bullet points. Experiment and go with what looks clearest on the page.

4  Bold
Bold is used to make things stand out. But if you put too many words in bold, then none of them actually stand out. The sample CV shows you where bold can be used for real effect.

5  Design
Don’t use boxes, shading, pictures or icons. Keep it simple: the recruiter will thank you.

6  Save the job advertisement
Keep a copy of the job advertisement. If it appears on a website, save a copy of it onto your computer before the notice is taken down.

7  File
You will have different drafts of your CV for different jobs. Create a simple filing system on your computer so that you can find your files with ease. Save your final draft as a PDF (it looks better than a Word doc). And use your own name as the file name (e.g. Joe Bloggs_CV). This makes it easier for the recruiter to file and find your CV.

8  Disclosure
You don’t need to overshare information: don’t include your date of birth or any photos of yourself. When it comes to disclosure of a disability, you can contact the Careers Service for advice before you send your CV.

9  Reread the job advertisement
On the final draft of your CV, do some ‘zoom-out’ checks. Reread the job advertisement side-by-side with your CV.
Check that you’ve covered all of the key job requirements on page 1 of your CV.

10  Fresh eyes
Call on two different people that you can rely on. Ask them to proofread your CV and mark any mistakes in grammar, spelling, spacing, etc. Ask them to be critical. It will be upsetting if they spot loads of errors. But it’s much better if errors come to light now, while you still have time to fix them. You want the recruiter to see a smart, flawless CV. It doesn’t matter if it takes you ten drafts to get there!


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